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The Industry

In setting up a smart city, community safety is a priority. In case of a pandemic, a series of access control and monitoring measures such as health codes, body temperature detection, information registration, personal activity tracking, identification of mask wearing, etc. pose huge pressure on communities, office buildings and residences. On the other hand, the maturity of innovative technologies, such as IoT, big data, cloud computing, and AI, has accelerated the intelligence upgrade of access control systems, allowing the AI-powered access control industry to thrive against the trend. However, traditional access control systems come with a limited number of functions, mostly with voice intercoms and open/ close control – conventional access control solutions enable connection and control by cabling to each access point. For short-term smart upgrade and transformation projects, wired networking is too complicated to meet such needs quickly and efficiently, or to alleviate the pressure on access control during epidemics.

Fibocom Wireless Solutions

Via the built-in Fibocom intelligent wireless communication modules, access control panels can be integrated with a wide range of functions such as face recognition, ID card/ IC card/ health code reading, and no-contact infrared temperature measurement. For example, the real-time detection of body temperature of visitors becomes possible. Where a person’s detected temperature exceeds the parameter preset, the device will send an irregularity signal, capture a face image and issue an alarm. Meanwhile, it will be classified as an abnormal event and uploaded to the management on the backend via 4G. AI-powered access control can be connected to community access control and building gate systems to perform automatic access control, no-contact temperature measurement, and automatic alerts in abnormal cases. People with abnormal body temperatures will be denied entry.

  • Wireless networking in response to the need for rapid application in case of epidemics;
  • In combination with AI-powered face recognition for real-time monitoring with a lower error rate;
  • No-contact temperature measurement for reduced contact and risk of infection;
  • Fewer human resources required from property management companies, with streamlined work flows and higher efficiency of access monitoring;
  • Big data stored on cloud, for the tracking, traceability and analysis of personal activities, so that the trajectory of confirmed cases and people in contact can be obtained promptly.

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