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Smart grid systems have provided the possibility of enabling two-way communication between electricity consumers and distributer, thereby allowing distributors to manage and effectively handle electricity distribution. One of the primary reason technologies like Smart-Grids are in place is because of the capabilities of 5G Network Slicing. 5G accommodates the connectivity requirements of multiple end-points and delivers flexibility at a low cost. In the era of 5G, heterogeneous services are allowed to coexist within the same network architectureutilizing network slicing. Network slicing allocates network computing, storage,and communication resources among the active services intending to guarantee theirisolation and given performance levels. This strengthens the security, reliability, and control over the network by creating slices within the network.

Fibocom 5G IoT Modules Empowering Smart Grids Applications

Production and control scenarios include intelligent distributed power distribution automation, precise load control, distributed power control, supervisory monitoring, and fault localization. These scenarios aim to address power distribution network requirements, including ultra-low latency (15ms), ultra-reliable communication (99.999% reliability), and high-security isolation. Management and information scenarios include low-voltage power consumption information collection and smart grid video applications. Networks are required to meet 100 ms latency, 99.9999% reliability, and 4–100 Mbit/s bandwidth requirements, as well as thousands of connections per square kilometer.

Transforming the Smart Grid with Fibocom 5G Modules

Line Differential Protection

Future smart grids will look profoundly different from the power grids used today. The increased number of renewables, like solar panels, will increase the need for cost-efficient, reliable communication to ensure the correct operation of the grid. Using a 5G macro network in line differential protection can be handled with wireless ultra-reliable low latency communication. The protection service can be delivered on the same band handling Mobile Broadband traffic. Fibocom 5G modules embedded in the DTU can monitor the power line transmission status in real-time, anywhere, without using local wired deployment, thus lowering the costs of network deployments.

UAV Inspection

UAV inspection is an innovative and safe way for the assessment of transmission towers and the power line, cutting off the human risk. UAV inspections are mainly used for maintenance through drone cameras, robots to access dangerous areas easily. With 5G’s high speed and network capacity,Fibocom modules FM150(W) and FG150(W) enables the data transmission of high-quality resolution (4K/8K) videos which require high bandwidth requirements of over 100Mbps. These devices transmit a crystal-clear view of the maintenance area, making it easier to identify problems in emergency repair scenarios, reducing labor costs, and grid downtime.

Advanced Metering

Automatic meter reading adapted into the smart meter, which has led to applications such as dynamic load management, time of day rates, and net metering to name a few. It has also fueled a great deal of behind-the-meter applications such as customer-owned renewables through advanced metering.

Power companies, consumers, and first responders will gain real-time wireless control with a 5G-enabled AMI network. This is done through a plethora of sensors monitoring variables including electricity quality, temperature, pressure, rate of consumption, and more. These sensors send these readouts directly to utility companies, where their data is analyzed and reformatted into diagnostics that help users better understand their averages and monthly use comparisons. This usage information benefits the user to improve their energy efficiency and costs. With 5G speeds and access already reaching the consumer market on a limited basis, we will see better performance, faster power reconnection after outages, and more cost-effective measures across AMI-equipped homes and facilities. 5G low-power wide-area (LPWA) connectivity facilitates this need with a longer battery life of devices using 5G enabled modules and expanded geographic coverage for connected devices. Advanced metering will reach its intended potential with the full rollout of 5G with the ability to have multiple end-point connections with 99.9% reliability.

AI and Power Prediction

A smart grid can help utilities conserve energy, reduce costs and carbon emissions, increase reliability and transparency, and make processes more efficient. By combining the current generation of these smart grid cutting-edge technologies with AI, it is possible to automatically adapt to changing conditions so prevalent and modify the grid as needed to improve efficiency. AI will ensure that smart grids are more user friendly by analyzing grid data, scenario and routine learning, and take action without any form of human intervention. 5G will support AI’s high bandwidth and low latency requirements to improve power prediction patterns, energy production, and forecast usage more efficiently. Fibocom’s 5G modules will aid in the transmission of the data required for AI to be functional in real-time.

Transforming the Smart Grid with Fibocom 5G Modules

Network slicing can create a customized industry-specific network for the power industry to better meet the security, reliability, and flexibility needs of smart grid services. 5G slicing technology can give priority to ensuring high-priority power services, and when necessary, through flexible slicing resource allocation to meet the needs of emergency security services. Fibocom’s FM150(W) and FG150(W) 5G modules will enable the next leap in smart grids, reducing labor, costs, fossil fuel usage, and saving time. Eventually, leading to a sustainable greener environment.

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