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/ Info Center / News / Fibocom Joins IMC to Accelerate Digital Transformation with IoT

Fibocom Joins IMC to Accelerate Digital Transformation with IoT

Fibocom has joined the IMC to further accelerate digital transformation with IoT, helping to promote seamless IoT solutions across the industry.

London (12 January 2021): Fibocom, a Shenzhen-based manufacturer of IoT modules that ease the configuration of remote devices for communication, has joined the IoT M2M Council (IMC), the world’s largest trade association serving the IoT sector. Fibocom offers modules with a range of communications modes for product makers looking to embed devices with communications, including 5G, LTE, LP-WAN, and satellite. For its part, the IMC’s rank-and-file membership is comprised of 25,000 qualified product makers and enterprise users that deploy IoT solutions on every continent.

“We intend to build awareness that deploying IoT devices is now more seamless than ever before, and we look at the IMC as an excellent platform to do that,” says Dan Schieler, SVP of the Overseas IoT Sales Department at Fibocom, who will represent the company on the IMC Bord of Governors, “We also look forward to collaborating with other IMC Board companies that provide IoT solutions to explore opportunities in this growing technology sector.”

Fibocom has recently introduced a range of new products that support 5G for high bandwidth and low latency, CBRS for private networks, and automotive V2X communications. This should fit well with IMC’s membership, which covers 27 different vertical markets of application, including many using high-end solutions like automotive, manufacturing, and healthcare services. Roughly 35% of IMC members are in North America, 25% in Europe, and 25% in Asia. “We look to the IMC help us expand our footprint, both in terms of geography and vertical markets,” says Schieler.

“Fibocom’s emphasis on cutting-edge technology is welcomed at the IMC, and we look forward to gaining insight from their perspective,” says Kim Bybjerg, IMC Chairman and VP, Head of Continental Europe at Tata Communications, “We are also pleased to add to our IMC Board representation in China, which of course is one the world’s most important IoT markets.”

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About the IoT M2M Council

The IMC is the largest trade group dedicated to the global IoT/M2M sector – with over 25,000 IoT enterprise users, product makers/designers, and apps developers that buy IoT solutions as members. Board companies include Aeris, AVSystem, beamLive, BICS, Blues Wireless, Digi International, Fibocom, floLIVE, Ground Control, Gurtam, iBasis, Ignion, Incognito, IoT Launch, Keyfactor, KORE, Losant, Microsoft Azure, MultiTech, NimbeLink (an Airgain co.), Novotech, Pelion (div. of ARM), Pod Group, Quectel, RevX Systems, Software AG, Somos, Taoglas, Tata Communications, Telit, Utimaco, and Vodafone. Visit

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