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/ Info Center / News / Fibocom Presented the Impact of RedCap Module on IoT Industry at the 36th GTI Online Workshop

Fibocom Presented the Impact of RedCap Module on IoT Industry at the 36th GTI Online Workshop

Fibocom is honored to be invited by the GTI to speak at the GTI 36th Online Workshop together with ecosystem partners from the industry value chain. RedCap module plays as a key enabler in the 5G commercialization, opening up a new era for applications that require cost-effective, low power consumption while maintaining high reliability and low latency of 5G.

Shenzhen, China – April 26th 2023 - Fibocom, a global leading provider of IoT (Internet of Things) wireless solutions and wireless communication modules, participated in the 36th GTI Online Workshop. James Xu, General Manager of Product Marketing at Fibocom, shared insights on “5G RedCap Module: A Key Advancement to Boost 5G Deployment”.

The freeze of 3GPP Release 17 has marked the specifications of RedCap, which is defined as a new tier of reduced capability devices to operate on 5G networks. With the prosperity of 5G, part of the segment markets need RedCap to provide an optimized solution for mid-tier applications to expand the 5G ecosystem and connect more devices. Laying the focus on the latest development of 5G eMBB, GTI, the international cooperation platform dedicated to promoting mobile information technology and industry development, has gathered operators, chipset vendors, module vendors and terminal equipment manufacturers, to discuss the technical evolutions and market trends of 5G technology and product, and Fibocom is honored to share the point of views on how RedCap module boosts the 5G deployment.

Compared with the standard 5G module, RedCap adopts the excellent “genes” of 5G by supporting massive MIMO, network slicing and 5G LAN while offering an abundance of optimizations on module size, antenna design and power-saving etc. By supporting 256QAM modulation, the RedCap module offers higher downlink and uplink rates than LTE Cat 4. It will also support key features such as OpenWRT that bring flexibility for customers that require Open CPU solution on their end devices. To be pointed that the uplink speed of RedCap is doubled as LTE Cat.4, which will be greatly utilized in HD Video uplink scenarios such as IP cameras, UAV inspections, body-worn cameras, and vehicle terminals, etc.

The maturity of RedCap technology will greatly boost 5G deployment to a new era as it offers cost-effective, low-latency, and low power solutions for medium-high speed applications,” said James Xu, General Manager of Product Marketing at Fibocom. “Fibocom will keep promoting the commercialization of RedCap modules and solutions in the global market.”

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